Monday, April 8, 2013

Showering the Community

On April 13, Girl Scouts will be "Showering the Community" at Walmart stores throughout the area. Troops are needed to handout "raindrops" that list personal care items needed to Walmart customers. Items will be collected at the exit doors of Walmart. Each girl that participates in the Showering the Community event will receive a raindrop patch as a thank you.

Our school district has been assigned to the Arnold Walmart. They are still in need of troops from 2-4 p.m.

I know this is last minute, but if your daughter would like to participate, I was going to try to pull enough girls together to take down there. Let me know if you girl would be interested ASAP.

Thanks so much!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

April Showers

Hi all! April Showers is just around the corner. See below for important key information regarding dates and times for bag distribution and pick up.

Bag Distribution:
Friday, April 12 3:45 p. m. at school.
We will meet after school in the commons area. The girls will be paired off and will be assigned to a driver. It goes without saying that we need a lot of adult help with this. Please let me know if you are available to help out with getting the girls into the neighborhoods.

Following the bag drop off, we will meet at the back playground at Fenton City Park for a pizza party. Feel free to stay and have some pizza and let the girls play for a bit. Hopefully the weather will cooperate more than it did last year.

As a final note, I am scheduled for jury duty on Friday. If I am unavailable at any point, Anndee Glick will be handling the coordination until I arrive. A big Thank You to Anndee so that we don't have to interrupt the rest of your weekend with Girl Scout stuff.

Bag Collection
Saturday, April 20 9:45 at school.

We will meet at school before separating and heading back into our assigned subdivision to collect bags. Once bags are collected, we will meet at the Goode Pavilion in George Winter Park. (Same as last year, all the way to the left after entering the park.) The girls will use black markers to mark through bar codes. We are done once that is completed. No later than noon.

Again, we need lots of adult help so please let me know if you can help out.

Also, I will assume that unless I hear differently from you, that your girl will be in attendance at both bag distribution and collection. Please let me know any differently.