Thursday, April 21, 2011

Clover Award

As we are close to finishing off our final year as Daisy's and the Journey we have been working on we will take the next 2 weeks to complete our Clover Award.  The Clover Award is the final patch to our journey.  It is the patch I will be announcing at the Court of Awards. 

We talked about things the girls could do to earn their Clover Awards at our meeting, but I am sure they will need a gentle reminder.  (Note to self: don't expect focus at meeting planned the week Spring Break begins.)

The Clover Project is a simple outdoor project that they can do.  It can be something as simple as helping pull weeds, planting a garden/flowers or picking up trash. It can be small scale (in your yard) or larger scale (in your neighborhood).  The girls should write down what they did on a piece of paper and bring it to me at the next/last meeting. 

Any questions, let me know. 

Daisy Upcoming Dates...

  • Cancel April 23 field trip to Missouri Botanical Garden. 
  • Friday, May 6 School Picnic.  Our troop is required to work the Girl Scout Booth (2 games) for 1 hour.  Last year we a split it up so that each girl worked 20 minutes.  We are tentatively scheduled for 4:30-5:30 p.m. so that I can be there the whole time.  But an extra adult would be so helpful, so if you are available to hang out while your daughter is working, I would be so thankful.
  • Monday May 9, 6:30-7:45 p.m. Last scheduled Daisy Meeting. 
  • Wednesday, May 18, 7:00  Girl Scout Court of Awards.  This is for all Scouts and their families. This is where we honor/announce the girls accomplishments (badges, awards, trips) for the school year. Those troops who are bridging to the next level, we will have that ceremony. And cake and punch afterwards for all. It will be held in the cafeteria at school.

I am working on some things for the summer, hopefully we can get together at least once a month.  I have to turn in next years registration by June 15.  We will keep the meeting time/day the same as it is currently. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

April Showers Bag Pick Up

UGN!  Did you see the forecast for Saturday?  A high of 46 degrees and rain...really?!? 

Anyway, we have to pick up bags this Saturday.  So the plan is this:

Meet at school at 9:45 a.m., dressed weather appropriate. 

We will head up to the streets where we dropped off the bags last week, and pick up any donations that are left outside.  After collecting the bags we will drive the bags and all the girls back to Deb W.'s house.  Debbie has offered her garage for us to mark out bar codes and separate our donated items.  If the weather is appropriate, the girls can play for a bit.  We should be done well before 12:00 p.m.

As the day gets closer, hopefully we will see a change in the forecast.

As always, contact me with any questions/comments!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Showers Neighborhood!

I finally got our April Showers neighborhood...

Sir Moss Estates
Starlight Drive
Fenton Ridge

She also had two of the streets that we did last year, but did not collect anything, but took those off our list when I told her we didn't pick anything up on those streets.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April Showers - Bag Drop Off

April Showers Bag Drop Off is scheduled for this Friday, April 8, right after school.  Unfortunately, I still do not know the neighborhood we will be in.  I am hoping to get that tomorrow afternoon, I will fill everyone in as soon as I know.

If you can help us out with supervising the girls dropping bags on doorsteps, that would be wonderful.  The more parents we have, the more groups we can break into, and the faster the area is covered.  If you are helping us out, please let me know ASAP.  We will pick the girls up from school and meet in the commons area. 

If you are not able to attend, but your child is, please let me know that as well.  I will also need for you to send a note to school, so that I can sign them out of parent pick-up. 

PIZZA PARTY following.  Immediately following completion of the bag drop off, everyone (adults included)are invited back to my house for a pizza party.  If you are unable to help out, but your daughter is attending, everyone will go back to my house and you can pick up from there.

Again, as soon as I get info regarding our area, I will forward that on.  But in the meantime, if you could let me know who is coming and if I should sign your daughter out on Friday, I would appreciate it.